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Live Video Production for Streaming Services in Singapore

by Charlee

Live video production in Singapore has grown in popularity in recent years. The introduction of live streaming services such as Facebook Live and YouTube Live has pushed demand for online streaming as the platform they can use for promotion. For example, the introduction of game streaming website Twitch.TV has resulted in a huge increase in demand for quality live video production work as this provides a potentially career-changing opportunity for individuals. With the use of the latest technology, live video production can be done in almost any location, making it a versatile solution for event coverage or an on-the-fly opportunity to create an engaging video. With the flexibility and ease of access of live streaming technology, more and more companies and individuals are looking towards live video production to take advantage of live streaming media as a part of their business promotion. This leads to an increase in demand for quality live video production services to obtain a professional edge. A live video production company specializes in live recording and streaming of video content. This can range from filming an event and live editing it to create a polished final product, to live streaming of video game play with the addition of audio commentary.

What is a live video production company?

A live video production company is an organization that specializes in the production of video content in a live broadcast format. In many cases, their focus is on marketing a product or service, conducting interviews, streaming corporate events, and creating sports or entertainment broadcasts in a live format. Historically, video production companies recorded video on tape, and through careful post-production, distributed the final product on VHS. These days, the nature of live event broadcasting has simplified greatly, and in many cases the task of a production company is to produce content directly to the internet or DVD. Modern live video production companies are nearly all web-based, and many are small businesses. There are a number of different content formats produced by these companies, ranging from smaller ‘in-studio’ broadcasts all the way to live broadcasts of massive scale. Many smaller companies have a specialty in a specific area, and sizable companies often contract out smaller subsidiary tasks to other groups (editing, closed captioning, etc). The resources and budget of a production vary greatly depending on the content and audience. High-budget productions by major corporations can involve very complex sets and use multiple cameras and videographers, while smaller broadcasts may have only one camera and a videographer operating remotely from the event site.

Importance of Streaming Services Singapore

Some of the preferred activities that Singaporeans engage in includes watching videos, listening to music and social networking. For example, as of December 2015, YouTube reaches 71% of Singaporeans and 85% of them access YouTube using their mobile devices. This opens up a vast opportunity for various organizations to engage with their target audience through rich media. Available statistics have shown that one of the most effective way to deliver a message is to utilize video. Given the advanced state of internet infrastructure in Singapore, online video streaming is high in demand as it offers an easily accessible platform to a wide audience. A good example of such content would be a webinar or a live webcast from an event, both serving as alternative options to being physically present at a location.

According to the 2015 Statistics On Infocomm Usage in Households & By Individuals, 82.5% of households own access to the internet, with 3.7 million residents surfing the web for information and engaging in online activities using a variety of devices including mobile phones, laptops and desktop computers. This compares to the 2014 figures of 82.3% of households and 8.3 million residents respectively.

Singapore is one of a few countries in the world that is well-equipped in terms of infocomm infrastructure. Since the 1990s, the government has been providing both internet connectivity and IT solutions to citizens, companies and public sectors, to the point where Singaporeans are able to get connected to the internet in a click of the mouse.

Benefits of live video production for streaming services

Using live video is a great way to reach out to a target audience, for a number of reasons. The fact that it’s live immediately makes it more compelling than a recorded video. It has an immediacy about it. It’s real; it’s happening right now. Viewers respond to this feeling of eavesdropping on a conversation. They know that if they have a burning question, they can ask it and probably have it answered live on the air. The knowledge that it’s now or never to join in adds an extra layer of excitement to a live broadcast. This translates to longer viewing times and more return visits. Users can engage and then return to see how their input has affected the outcome, or exchanges their follow-up questions can be addressed in the next show. Another clever benefit that can be used as a marketing tool is the fear of missing out that is created for non-viewers. They know that they have to watch the live show to be a part of the action and not be left out. This can be useful for product launches or anything with a clear call to action in the performance and can dramatically increase viewer numbers. Viewing of live events with friends or groups is possible, something not as simple with on-demand videos. Live video production can add integrated social media elements for live public chat or private group chat during the show. A significant benefit for Singapore businesses is the potential to reach a global audience. The Internet is a worldwide community, and live streaming events have a potential viewership of billions, not just the local community. For companies with a long-term plan to spread into overseas markets, live streaming is a simple way to test the waters with an international audience and receive real-time feedback. It eliminates the need for expensive international marketing campaigns or more serious investments in an overseas venture to create brand awareness with a foreign demographic. This can also be an effective tool for education sectors as with the recent availability of high-speed Internet in schools, colleges, and universities it is now quite feasible to replace or supplement physical lectures with online seminars.

Key Services Offered by Live Video Production Companies

When seeking live streaming services in Singapore, you should seek a company that specializes in live video production for streaming and has a proven record in live event coverage. A good live video production company should be skilled in and available for live multi-camera coverage for events. They need to be able to provide international conference coverage where the footage is mixed live with slides typically for overseas participants or recorded for replay at a later date. In video production this can also be known as ENG – Electronic News Gathering and is a style of filming that’s used to get video footage quickly and with mobility. For events located at places where a live production setup is not feasible, a good company should be able to provide a small studio setup at the event location. It’s not uncommon for a company to have one big yearly event or more and want to focus on producing a series of highlight videos or promotional videos. In this case, the video production company could be hired with a few cameramen for the day to capture the footage, and then edit the various videos later on. Other live event coverage can include product or service launches. With a live video stream showing the launch, you’re able to pull in viewers who are unable to attend the launch in person to watch live and interact. A good live video production company will also have skills in live streaming platforms and content delivery networks. Often times the client will have specific requirements for the streaming platform to be used. In this case, the video production company should be able to advise and provide a solution for the best stream and quality given the client’s requirements. An experienced live video production company will also have strong knowledge in optimizing the stream for viewers in different countries with various internet connection speeds.

Live event coverage

Availability of covering live events enables event organizers to keep up to date with the growing trends of marketing and creating a social buzz associated with an event. Live event coverage can be a cost-effective solution to creating a viral social media buzz around your event, creating teaser videos, highlights, and interviews which can be produced at a later date to maximize the hype around a particular event, product, or service. In comparison to traditional TV networks, web broadcasting live events has also removed the regional barriers associated with TV. People can now tune in from all over the world to watch a live event. The social element associated with live web broadcasting is also a key factor in the success of a live event. This offers viewers a platform to interact via an event-specific Twitter hashtag or a live chat embedded into the live stream page. Live event coverage is suited for a wide variety of events. Some examples of live event coverage that our Singapore live streaming company offers services for include, but are not limited to:

Multi-camera setup and switching

The Singapore Grand Prix was another event that utilized a multi-camera live stream. The video had stunning picture quality and was streamed in HD. Switching between the different camera angles made the live stream a more enjoyable experience. The live stream showed different camera angles around the race track as well as live footage of the pit-lane action. As the Singapore Grand Prix and Formula Drift events have shown, a multi-camera live stream can add significant value to a live event. This is an increasingly popular service that clients are seeking when looking to live stream events in Singapore.

The use of multiple cameras during live streaming production in Singapore can significantly increase the engagement of the live video. Multi-camera setups facilitate different camera angles, making the video more dynamic. Different types of shots can be used, such as wide shots, close-ups, and cutaways. The ability to use different camera angles and shots can make the video feel more like a live TV show rather than a static event that only has one camera angle. A good example of a successful multi-camera stream is the Grand Prix Formula Drift Singapore live stream. This event had six camera angles and was switched on the fly, making the viewing experience very dynamic. The event was streamed in HD on Ustream pay-per-view. Viewers were able to see different camera angles of all the action on the race track. This enhanced viewing experience would not have been possible with a single camera and is a great example of how a multi-camera setup can benefit the viewing experience of a live event.

Live streaming platforms integration

How all these are implemented will vary among producers, but let’s mention a couple of existing technologies. The key is that the live video feed from each camera is mixed, encoded, and transmitted to a “theoretical” switcher provided by the platform, based on viewers’ connections and CPU speeds, that has the maximum resolution and bandwidth settings that they can view effectively. For example, with Windows Media 9 series codecs and QuickTime codecs, comparing data rates, resolutions, and image quality, at times different cameras can be switched from high-quality to low-quality settings based on available viewer bandwidth. This should bring the live footage and/or VOD footage into much greater quality and competitive with HD television. Being that these systems are quite costly, complex, and will take a longer time to explain, we will have to save this for a future post. However, it is a good idea for potential clients that are seeking a top-quality live broadcast or webcast to consult with a live video producer to see if it may be feasible and what the best options may be.

Video editing and post-production

Although video post-production workflow takes up more time and expertise than live event production, it’s worth it, and companies hosting live events expect to be able to take advantage of this today or at some point in the future. Ideally, after the event has concluded, content is repackaged in the form of television shows, news highlights, or simple highlights packages. These days, a lot of video content is repurposed for online consumption. This can involve anything from a company broadcasting a CEO’s speech on its Facebook page to a TV show being put on Hulu. Professional video editing makes video content more attractive and can help provide an increase in traffic to a company’s website. Several live video production companies in Singapore are underutilizing their content because they do not invest enough time in doing post-event repackaging, or they do not have the expertise to do so. This is where a video production company can be a valuable partner to a live event company.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Live Video Production Company

It is important to ensure that the video production company has a strong understanding of live video production. It is very different to post editing because mistakes and failures cannot be hidden or corrected. An inexperienced company may not be prepared adequately and this can lead to a disaster with your project.

It is important to find a company that has experience in your specific area, and it may be helpful to find a company that has a strong reputation in live video production. Ask to see examples of their work, this way you can assess whether they understand your requirements and have the relevant experience to deliver a successful project. An experienced company will be able to provide constructive feedback and provide solutions when presented with challenges. It is also important that the company has the expertise to be flexible and think on their feet when making on the fly decisions.

It is important to choose a live video production company that is experienced and has the expertise to deliver a successful live video production. There are a number of key factors that separate the experts from the inexperienced. A company that has a strong understanding of the requirements of the project, can make good suggestions and provide a clear and detailed plan on how the project will be delivered is more likely to be successful.

Experience and expertise in live video production

Post-production administrations include: – Video Editing. We offer both a live altering administration and a detailed version video altering assistance. This will incorporate diversified work on the legion of crude film taken out of your transmission to track down the most amazing shots, speeding up the recordings developments, great shading rectification, and the joining of audio effects, music, and changes for a general cleaned item. – Complete Audio engineering. We will utilize our broad information utilized in music creation and sound plan to work on the general sound of your project. From noise decrease, brokenness, and popup rectification. To creating encompassing audio cues and completely creating unique music that is custom fit to the class and mindset of your transmission. – Video Compression/Format Optimization. Whichever tags your video will be use, we will give a help to completely streamline the video record for top notch while keeping a proper record size for streaming and downloading. – Distance Callback Process. To ensure the best item for our clients, we will rapidly and effectively send any outlines or unfinished versions of the work being done to consistently stay aware of the wishes and assumptions for our customers and catch any possible errors or issues before they become excessively broad. – Duplicate a Substantiation. We will give a playthrough of your video to give you the opportunity to differ on the change between scenes, sound blending, and general sound of the project.

Pre-production administrations include: – Scripting. We assist you with forefront arranging assistance with the goal that your content and message show up in the best conceivable light. – Shooting plan. We will coordinate with you to plan the ideal time and date for your transmission and set up an exact time in which to start execution. – Area Scouting. To ensure the most appealing foundation for your transmission, our group will find the ideal area for your webcast or online class. – Ability and Host Auditioning. We will offer a determination of our communicated, have, and visitor ability to you for assessment and choice to guarantee the ideal hosts and storytellers for your occasion. – Style and Branding Development. Our master innovative overseer will foster the correct style and marking for your transmission. This will incorporate choosing the best illustrations, mood melodies, and overall feel for your transmission to take care of the demeanor and messages you are attempting to pass on. – Live switching/shooting. Our group of video professionals and course alum videographers will film your transmission in the most elevated conceivable quality while continually thinking about a powerful altering strategy for the fruitful and consistent progression of the program.

Ending to end arrangements: Full live streaming service occasion creation. We handle the whole production of your webcast or online class.

Technical capabilities and equipment

When starting a live stream, one of the most important decisions you can make is which video encoding method to use. This will dictate the quality of your live stream and also the degree to which your viewers will need to be able to view your stream. Two common types of video encoding methods for live streaming are RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) and Windows Media. The vast majority of live streaming is done using RTMP, and this is also what is usually supported by the player. With RTMP, your live stream will play as it is being downloaded, and this is very ideal for an event that will have live viewers. Windows Media has the benefit of being able to stream a high-quality video to a few select users. If you have video content that you would like to restrict to certain viewers, Windows Media would be a good option. Another plus to WMS is that the video can be saved and viewed by viewers after the live streaming has finished. If your video meets the requirements for a higher quality restricted video, then Windows Media would be a good option. However, if you are streaming a live event, RTMP would be the way to go.

For a live video production company to produce a successful live stream, there are several technical details that need to be considered. Technical capabilities and available equipment make a huge difference with any form of video production and live streaming. Today we will speak about some technical specifications for live streaming, encoding, and how to select a live video production company that can get your job done right.

Reputation and client testimonials

In budgeting and contract bids, many production amateurs and freelancers will often inflate the capabilities in terms of equipment, teams and general production values to give the impression of a greater offering without the substance to back it up. This is your hard earned money and such people need to be rooted out avoiding wastage and disappointment. Simulation and pre-production may often be too idealistic an approach, thus a solid method of evaluation is to compare the work of any prospective company against the actual outcome of their productions. A match in line with promises and delivery may signify that the methods truly are as advertised. Looking into the same or similar sets of circumstances of past clients to your own, the conclusions that can be drawn from an initial trial project may often hold more weight than words alone, thus with minimal commitment.

Reputation is not something that can be achieved overnight, thus the length of time a company has been in existence is often a good indicator of their capability. That said, it is not a definitive measure, just as a young company may consist of experienced heads, and one that has been in operation for decades may have become complacent and out of touch. There are also many companies set up on the back of the ‘new media’ explosion, by individuals with no real experience or understanding of the broadcast principles and values that are the foundation of good video production. It is imperative to ascertain the track record that experts with company have to offer. By this we mean the experience and qualities of the individuals concerned, particularly if you are considering specialists in certain field such as 3D animation, corporate video, event coverage, etc.

Pricing and packages offered

No doubt, different company offers different pricing and package. The rule is to always go with the one that gives the most value to the project, as the last thing you would want is once the project is completed, to realize could have gotten something much better with the same amount of money. Always remember that the live video is the closest presentation of the event it records, saving the fun and emotion for people to be watched again and again. A good video is an investment for the event. Therefore, higher priced does not necessarily mean more valued, it is all about who can do it better.

In actual fact, higher priced live video production companies are often perceived as having the best crew, gears and services, which is not always true. And for a good reason, many of such companies hesitated to publish their pricing on their website as the charges vary depending on the scale, complexity and requirements of the project. Therefore, the company should always take the effort to ask and get a quotation.

Generally, before any company or organization hires the services of a live video production company, they will put price on a high priority.

Top Live Video Production Companies in Singapore

Company A: Overview and services provided Company A is a Singapore-based company that provides customers with a range of streaming video solutions. Their focus on being the leading one-stop solution provider incentivized them to invest over $800,000 in research and development over the past 3 years. Their efforts have been successful, yielding a variety of products proved to be the epitomes of innovation and quality. Some of these include a Singapore live streaming service to a global audience, an interactive live streaming website which won the 2007 SDPA award, and Singapore’s first HD video on-demand service. They are currently the only company to provide a service of this kind, and it gives them a distinct advantage in knowledge and experience in this area. All of these products have been very well received and have thus far gained overwhelming satisfaction from our quality and innovation-driven customers. The Live Streaming service is particularly popular as companies have a cost-effective and efficient method of communicating A/V messages to either the public or private audiences, for example, internal staff conference. Often in these tough economic times, corporations have been cutting costs by replacing overseas travel with this service. The product is highly scalable, can be done at a very low cost, and still provides a close interaction to the audience with the Q&A function. The onSYNC Interactive site has been a popular choice for customers interested in creating a more colorful and dynamic web presence, hosting events in an innovative manner. This site received recognition for the Ministry of Manpower’s Career 2008 event with the most interactive and creative career booth, a first-time achievement for an employment event, and Musicfest Asia, which was an event with bands from Singapore and the region. This was proven to be an affordable alternative to conventional physical events. High-definition VOD is the way of the future, and this is an offering for customers intending to improve their existing or new video content as it adds a new dimension to visual quality.

Company A: Overview and services provided

Their expertise lies in their live video broadcast services, which are mostly used to live stream sporting events. With their experience in video production, they are able to seamlessly integrate a live video broadcast with in-game scoreboard graphics and professional commentators, which sets them apart from other video production companies. Most importantly, they recognize that the quality of live video streamed is highly reliant on the internet connection speed. Therefore, they are able to provide event organizers with video production consultation services to advise and assist in the setup of a quality and reliable internet connection for live video streaming.

The services they provide are incredibly detailed and thorough. They do not outsource to any freelancers or part-timers and thus are in complete control (and responsible for) all video footage recorded. Pre-event, they are able to provide on-site video recording with a professional sound and camera crew for events that require higher quality video footage. If necessary, they can set up a temporary studio at the event location, do a live video broadcast with post-production, and even provide video editing services. Any video editing is usually done within 24 hours of the event completion, ensuring that the video is still fresh and relevant.

Company A has been in the business of video production for longer than 10 years, establishing themselves as an industry leader. They have expanded to include live video production over the last few years and are now renowned as one of the best companies at providing live video production services, particularly for events. They have a large team of full-time staff experienced in video production and have one of the most diverse ranges of equipment available.

Company B: Overview and services provided

Company B has been successfully providing companies and organizations with video production services since our incorporation in 2015. We are strong believers in the fusion of technology and creativity, which enables our clients to effectively communicate their messages to the target audience. With a comprehensive digitalization initiative, Add in Productions has also extended our video production capabilities to provide live streaming services Singapore to our clients as we understand the growing trend of the digital space in providing content. Our live streaming services can be categorized into 3 main areas: Live Events Coverage, Webinars, and Live Broadcasts. In live events coverage, we have been engaged by various event organizers to film and stream content from their events to the audience who are unable to attend the event physically. This method greatly benefits the event organizers as it extends the audience reach of their event and has the potential to be used as a promotional tool for their next event. An example would be the live event coverage for the 2017 SMU Chairman’s Challenge where we were engaged to film content of an eSports competition and stream it to their audience. This service has also been used for events on a larger scale like the 28th SEA games where we provided the service of filming and streaming the floorball competition to multiple countries.

Company C: Overview and services provided

Company C is a top live video production company in Singapore that offers a full suite of event solutions to clients. They have been in operation since 2002 and are the pioneers of live video production in Singapore, with more than 10 years of experience. They have a large pool of professional crews who are trained to tackle various live video production needs to make the event a success. They have done events of various scales from MNC Annual General Meetings to outdoor concerts in public townships. Company C utilizes the latest video and audio equipment and is constantly updating themselves with the latest live broadcast technological trends. They work closely with a lot of clients to meet specific production needs. A single camera video production to a multi-camera video production and from a small-scale event webcast to a large-scale live TV broadcast. The possibilities are endless and they will advise and ensure their clients they use the best solution available to capture the event in the best way possible. Live video editing is an essential part of enhancing the live video production experience. With a team of skillful video editors, they are able to produce instant highlights or package a post-event coverage in a video format. These edited videos have been proven very effective for clients to use as a marketing tool for their future events. A well-done edited video will give the audience a good visual experience through a presentation that tells a story or it can invoke emotional feelings through visual and audio impact.

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